On Target Spray Systems
On Target Spray Systems is the global leader in electrostatic sprayer technology for agriculture. Our system of delivering tiny electrically charged spray droplets uses the law of attraction to provide complete wrap around coverage to all plant surfaces, essentially powder coating the crop. Low volume electrostatic spraying is the natural choice for cannabis and hemp growers, who are especially limited in the number and efficacy of materials available to them or who want to deliver foliar feeds with maximum benefit.
"It used to take a crew of 7 or 8 people 2 full days to apply foliar feed. With the On Target sprayer, I foliar feed every day and finish a spray in 2 hours by myself. That's mixing, spraying, and clean out—2 hours. I no longer have to get up in the middle of the night to spray."TODD, CANNABIS GROWER FROM OREGON- Developer

"The bottom line is that the On Target sprayer is going to get us through to the finish, and we won't lose our crop. The sprayer will easily pay for itself in one growing cycle."JUSTIN, CANNABIS GROWER FROM CALIFORNIA- Developer

"I've been using the On Target backpack sprayer for about 8 months. So far, I've only used it during the vegetative phase, but I see real potential to improve control thru the flowering stage as well, since the spray covers so evenly and dries so quickly."JOE, CANNABIS AND HEMP GROWER FROM OREGON- Developer